Icone endereço

Fábrica Asa Pavilhão A 1.2, Estrada Nacional 105, Covas 4835-157 Guimarães

Icone telefone

253 518 176 (Chamada para rede móvel nacional)

Privacy Policy

Any nature, and regardless of medium or format, namely sound, image, writing, unsigned or characteristic, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

An identifiable person is considered to be a person who can be directly or indirectly identified by reference to one or more specific personal data, considered separately or combined with each other, particularly their physical, physiological, psychological, economic, ethnic, cultural, geographic, social or your location.

I – The entity responsible for processing personal data

The entity responsible for collecting and processing personal data is Bordanpe which, in the context of the relationships it maintains with the holder of personal data, establishes, always on a lawful and legitimate basis, what data is collected, the means of processing and the purposes of this collection. and treatment.

II – Types of personal data collected and processed

As part of its activity, Bordanpe collects and processes, in particular:

  1. Personal data necessary to provide and/or receive services and/or supply products to its customers and/or its suppliers, treating in this context data such as name, tax identification number, address, telephone number and address email, among others that are strictly necessary, proportionate and lawful.
  2. Personal data necessary for the execution of the employment contract or service provision concluded with its employees, treating in this context data such as name, identification document number and other data, tax identification number, household composition, number of social security, address, telephone numbers and email address, health, access, location data, among others that are strictly necessary, proportionate and lawful.
  3. Personal data necessary to comply with legal obligations, whether towards public entities or towards private entities, processing in this context data such as name, identification document number and other data, tax identification number, household composition, number of social security, address(es), telephone numbers and email address, health data, among others that are strictly necessary, proportionate and lawful.
  4. Data required for:
    – customer and supplier management;
    – contracting and management of contractual relationships with customers and suppliers;
    – adequacy of the provision of services suited to the Client’s needs and interests;
    including sending suggestions, information and marketing actions, publicizing campaigns, promotions, advertising and news about services and/or products, carrying out market studies and/or satisfaction surveys, managing complaints, dealing with scope, address(es), telephone numbers and email address, among others that are strictly necessary, proportionate and lawful.
  5. All personal data necessary for the exercise of Bordanpe's rights within the scope of the relationships referred to in the previous items, and in the pursuit of its activity and legitimate interest, particularly accounting, tax and administrative management, litigation management, judicial evidence, fraud detection, revenue protection and auditing, network and systems management, information security and physical security control, and facility security.

Without prejudice to compliance with legal regulations, or legitimate orders from a competent authority, regarding the conservation and transmission of data, Bordanpe only processes personal data necessary for its activity, to the fair and strict extent required by the nature of the contractual relationship or of another nature, established with the holder of these data, or their prior, legitimate, lawful and informed consent, which may exist.

III – Time and method of collecting personal data

Bordanpe collects personal data in person, in writing, by telephone, by email or through its website.

As a general rule, personal data is collected when the relationship, or collaboration, contractual or otherwise necessary for the pursuit of Bordanpe's activity, begins between it and the data subject.

Our websites may collect data through contact forms. These will be sent directly to our email server via an encrypted connection and will only be available to our contact handler. Whenever necessary, the information will be made available to a person responsible for a specific department, to resolve the request.

Some personal data is mandatory and necessary to collect for the beginning and normal and legal development of the aforementioned relationship or collaboration, so in the absence or insufficiency of such data, it will not begin or continue, and in this case, Bordanpe will inform the holder data of this mandatory and necessary nature.

Apart from data of this nature, those included in any public list and those that may be used in Bordanpe's legitimate interest, your data will only be collected and processed if and for the purposes to which you previously consent, in a free, informed, specific and unequivocally, by means of a written or oral statement or by validating an option, namely to subscribe to newsletters or marketing communications, in which case the other rules of this privacy policy will apply.

If you wish to stop receiving these communications, you can express your opposition at any time.

The data collected will be processed documentally, whether on paper or digitally, in strict compliance with the legislation that regulates the protection of personal data, being stored and contained in paper files and/or specific database, created and managed for the effect and restricted and exclusive access to Bordanpe employees who necessarily have to deal with them in the pursuit of its activity. Under no circumstances will the data collected be used for any purpose other than that for which consent was given by the holder, which is necessary, or for the lawful and legitimate purpose for which the collection was based.

IV – Purposes of collecting and processing personal data

In general, the personal data collected aims to manage customers, suppliers and employees, the contracting and management of contractual relationships with customers, suppliers and employees, the receipt and/or provision of contracted services/supplies, the adequacy of the provision of services /supplies to the Customer's needs and interests, sending suggestions, information and marketing actions, publicizing campaigns, promotions, advertising and news about services and/or products, carrying out market studies and/or surveys satisfaction, complaints management, accounting, tax and administrative management, litigation management, judicial evidence, fraud detection, revenue protection and auditing, network and systems management, information security control and physical security, security of installations, compliance with legal obligations and for other purposes for which the Law recognizes Bordanpe's legitimate interest.

When data is collected, or when you request it, you will be informed in more detail about our processing of your data.

V – Periods for storing your personal data

Whenever there is a specific legal requirement that requires data to be kept for a minimum period of time, this will be observed by Bordanpe.

Bordanpe will keep your personal data stored for the minimum period of time strictly necessary for the purpose for which the information is collected and processed, after which it will delete it.

VI – Right of access, rectification, opposition, erasure, limitation and portability of your personal data

Bordanpe guarantees the holder of personal data the right of access, rectification, opposition, erasure, limitation and portability of their personal data.

The exercise of these rights can be carried out via telephone 253 518 176 or by written communication sent to the postal address Fábrica Asa Pavilhão A 1.2,
Estrada Nacional 105, Covas 4835-157 Guimarães or email geral@bordanpe.pt.

If you consider it relevant, you can lodge a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission – Av. D. Carlos I, 134 – 1.º 1200-651 Lisbon – Tel.: +351 213 928 400 – Fax: +351 213 976 832 – email: geral@cnpd.pt.

VII – Measures we adopt to ensure the security of your personal data

Bordanpe observes best practices, therefore adopting technical and organizational measures appropriate to the risk, in the field of security and protection of personal data, having to this end approved and implemented a demanding plan in compliance with the objectives, the Law and the interests of holders of personal data, capable of ensuring the protection of data made available to us by everyone who in any way interacts with us, in order to protect them against their dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, processing or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of illicit treatment.

Therefore, the digital or paper personal data collection form(s), whether completed at Bordanpe's facilities or on the website, (which require encrypted Browser sessions) or at any of the Bordanpe employees are stored securely in our physical repositories and digital systems.

All personal data that you give us about you is located in a data center owned by Bordanpe itself, or by one of its subcontractors, covered by all advanced physical and logistical security measures, which we believe are essential to the protection of your personal data. .

Whenever, in the legitimate and lawful pursuit of the objectives of Bordanpe's activity, it adopts measures to monitor its employees, particularly with regard to access control, working hours, tasks and productivity, circulation and transport, not only Those targeted will have prior knowledge of its implementation – and, whenever legally necessary and lawful, their consent will be requested – as the tools used for this purpose will ensure the same level of security for the personal data collected and processed by them.

The aforementioned compliance and security plan includes the existence of a designated Personal Data Protection Officer, who is responsible, among other things, for verifying this Privacy Policy, keeping the rules for processing personal data clear and communicating with control authorities, guaranteeing everyone who entrusts Bordanpe with the processing of their personal data, the effective knowledge of how it treats them and what rights they have in this matter.

VIII – Communication of data to other entities, subcontractors or third parties

Bordanpe may use subcontractors for the purpose of collecting and processing data, with the same purposes as the latter, obtaining from these entities, through a contract, a guarantee of reputation and an obligation to develop appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect data and ensure the defending the rights of holders. In certain circumstances determined by Law, certain personal data may have to be communicated to public authorities, such as tax authorities, courts and security forces.

Therefore, any of these subcontracted entities will process the personal data of our Clients, in the name and on behalf of Bordanpe, under the obligation to adopt technical and organizational measures appropriate to the risk in order to protect personal data against destruction, accidental or unlawful, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access and against any other form of illicit processing.

IX – Transfer of personal data

The continuation of Bordanpe's activity may involve the transfer of your data outside of Portugal.

In this eventuality, Bordanpe will strictly comply with the applicable legal provisions, particularly regarding the determination of the reliability and suitability of the destination country with regard to the protection of personal data and the requirements applicable to such transfers.

X – Cookies:

Cookies are small software tags that are stored on your computer through the browser, which as a rule only retain information related to your preferences, not including, as such, your personal data.

Whenever this is not the case, the user will always be asked for consent to provide them, under legal terms.